52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 44: Receive a QRSS signal on the HF bands

Challenge for 2025-10-27 - 2025-11-02:

Category: 📻 - Difficulty: 🟠

Receive a QRSS signal on the HF bands
Check out https://qrss.org/ for a list of frequencies and fire up a QRSS grabber software like Argo (I2PHD), Spectrum Lab (DL4YHF), LOPORA (PA2OHH) or QrssPiG (HB9FXX). There are signals transmitting 24/7 on most bands that are easy to copy.

Toots mentioning this challenge

(the table is just for testing purposes - no real data yet)
DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-01@dj5cw@darc.de34SuccessI solved the challenge ....
2025-01-01@bozo@invalid.invalid0Working on it...I cannot figure this out!

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