52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 45: Fix something that is broken.

Challenge for 2025-11-03 - 2025-11-09:

Category: 🛠️ - Difficulty: 🟠

Fix something that is broken.
There's rarely nothing in a ham shack that needs fixing. This is your opportunity to overcome your procrastination!

Toots mentioning this challenge

DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-19 19:35:13lix@layer8.space1Working on it...I can't do this week's #hamchallenge currently but fixed something instead.A few weeks ago, I built an T2LT antenna kit which unfortunately had a sporadic short in its pre-assembled PL-connector. I wasn't able to get stable readings on my NanoVNA and figured out it might be the connector. Today I confirmed that and hacked an alternative together. Now it's working and I have to wait for a new connector to finish the job. HC45
2025-03-18 20:14:57n8dmt@mastodon.radio12Success!#HamChallenge HC45S Completed repair of Yaesu CD-41 drop in charger base that had a failed Q2 FET within (green light on always). Have had this occur on another CD-41 and replaced Q2 successfully following video guide from Jim AG6IF. A quick repair (took longer to get-out/put-away tools than the actual Q2 SOT-23 part replacement solder operation. It’s working again… Added Do Not Touch labels to both of my bases to remind users not to put fingers on the charging contacts.

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