52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 7: Find out which DXpeditions are active this week.

Challenge for 2025-02-10 - 2025-02-16:

Category: 📻 - Difficulty: 🟢

Find out which DXpeditions are active this week.
Which sources did you use? How many of the DXpeditions can you hear or work?

Toots mentioning this challenge

DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-02-03 22:05:41DM4EA@social.darc.de7Success!HC07S So sad I missed 27jan as the one and only day of the SV1GA/A - Mt Athos dxped. By the time I returned home from the office, they had already become QRT
2025-02-10 15:10:36dd1mat@mastodon.social5Working on it...Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 7: Find out which DXpeditions are active this weekMy primary source for DXpedition information is https://www.dx-world.net and its featured DXpedition timeline.Second source is the DX MB of DARC (https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/dx/en/dxnl/).A quite useful tool I recently started to use is HamAlert (https://hamalert.org/) where I configured missing DXCCs and DXpeditions I don't want to miss.Let's see how many of them will be on my list after this week HC07@ha
2025-02-10 21:57:21stu@gott.social8Working on it...For #HC07 I looked up some upcoming DXpeditions for the week using ng3k.com's calendar.D4DCX is active now.These callsigns start tomorrow: ZF2EZ, H7RRC, YN6RRC, S21ZN, VK9, and V73WW.Feb 12th: C6ADA, and TZ1CEFeb 14th: C5DXLeaving the challenge open for now to see if I can spot any of them on the air.
2025-02-10 22:05:22g7kse@mastodon.radio7Success!HC07S used the usual sources. I don't think I've ever been successful with a proper DXpedition. This happens because of the QTH and QRP. A unified contest and DXpedition calendar would probably be helpful. Might even exist.I'll see if I can find some this week. Even its its WebSDR@hamchallenge
2025-02-11 22:53:11ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Working on it...I see the appeal of a DXpedition and marvel at the effort and monies spent for the same. I have seen DXpeditions mentioned in news, newsletters or podcasts, but I tend to gloss over them. For the 7th challenge, 'Find out which DXpeditions are active this week.’, I’m going to make an effort to find out what DXpeditions are active now. I don’t have the capability to work a DXpedition but I can definitely try to listen out for one. #hamchallenge HC07 @hamchallenge
2025-02-12 07:35:24DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Success!I just sent out the DARC DX Newsletter / DX Mitteilungsblatt for this week. Being responsible for the technical side of the distribution (email list with 4k recipients), I also get to look over the contents of the newsletter, so #hamchallenge week 7 is done for me. I am not much of a DXer but from today's newsletter I learned that Alan, G4DJX will be on the air as C5DX again, from where I worked him previously on CW. Hope to work him again. #HC07S @hamchallenge
2025-02-12 08:35:31DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Working on it...For HC07 I look at DXMB (Wednesday), http://www.dl7vee.de/DX_Preview.htm ... sometimes I use HamAlert notification. In week 7 I hope to contact V73WW
2025-02-12 09:46:38pg4i@mastodon.radio7Working on it...Been busy building a QMX+... No power output yet but the receiver is working! As for the #hamchallenge HC07... Back in the last century when I still was a DX-er I would always read https://www.425dxn.org/Downloaded the last bulletin, number 1762. let's see if they are still up to date.
2025-02-12 13:41:03pg4i@mastodon.radio7Success!Well that was easy... Visited dxwatch.com and saw FM/F6BWJ being spotted on 10 meters. Ran down the stairs and into the garden, turned my hexbeam to the west (no rotor), back into the shack and worked him! 5nn 5nn#hamchallenge HC07S
2025-02-12 16:03:18mischk@bunt.social6Success!HC07SI wrote a little blog article about dxpeditions. The active dxpeditions this week are listed in the DXMB Newsletter of the DARC DX-Referat.Yesterday I spotted D44OA from Leeward Island via WebSDR in FT8. Lets see what else I can hear...https://dk4mj.radio/hamchallenge_dxpedition.html (german language)#amateurradio #amateurfunk #hamchallenge #dxpedition
2025-02-14 16:20:26siwli@toot.berlin5Success!Oh, and #hamchallenge HC07S: I browsed through the CQ DL magazine which lives on the reading pile in our bathroom and checked the list of active DXpeditions. Even though our home setup (low power, limited antenna options in a flat in the city) might not really allow to compete in pile-ups and have a successful QSO with a DXpedition, I really enjoy reading the stories on the challenges and successes of these adventures!@hamchallenge
2025-02-14 22:21:04ian@mastodon.radio8Success!Pretty easy week for the Ham Radio Challenge. I used https://ng3k.com/Misc/adxo.html to see which DXpeditions were ongoing. More than I thought! I doubt I'll have chance to contact any of them this weekend but we'll see. HC07S
2025-02-15 22:33:57bgarfoot@kind.social10Success!HC07SIn addition to all of the other sources for DXpeditions listed, one source that I look it is DXnews.com. It doesn't exactly have the best calendar, but I can see that stations like HD8CW/HC8N (Galapagos), V73WW (Marshall Islands), and TY5C (Benin) should all be currently active.Myself? I just worked CQ35MD (Maderia Islands) and 7X2RF (Algeria). Both aren't particularly rare, but it's always good to get interesting DX stations.#hamchallenge #hamradio
2025-02-15 23:48:05stu@gott.social8Success!#HC07S I never did catch any of the DXpedition stations active this week actually on the air, but I tracked 10 of them to see when I would know they were on the air. V73WW was especially active this week. Hats off to the team for really working it.
2025-02-16 01:31:15mike_k@mstdn.social5Working on it...A few, bleak is too strong, empty weeks for me for the challenge.Dxpeditions… look, if you enjoy it cover your ears, but rich white guys going to places they think the natives aren’t up to using the modern steam powered wireless, or to some abandoned rock in the Atlantic is all a bit 19th Century, even for me. HC07I’ve cajoled everyone I’ve ever met. Twice. If I meet someone new… HC08And 10m repeaters… nearest one’s 350km away. Hmm. Next chance is HC09.#hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-02-16 11:08:35DC4LW@social.darc.de7Success!This week's #hamchallenge is a bit boring, as I'm not interested in DX. I know there are some pages about DX activities in my Club's magazine :CQDL: — but I don't have the setup for getting through.Probably I don't have the patience to get past all those really loud and uncooperative stations that try to reach the DX calling station. When I hear a pile-up, I'm ashamed of the Old Men who don't know how to be kind or to operate their setup properly.Still, it's a HC07S I think. @hamchallenge
2025-02-16 11:56:40ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Success!I found V73WW Marshall Islands DXpedition active at the moment. I used DXSummit and DXWatch to find the spots and logged into a WebSDR to catch them. I don’t know how the V73WW DXpeditioners are able to pull out callsigns from all the hunters calling them on top of each other !! Is this how every DXpedition hunting going to be? #hamchallenge HC07S @hamchallenge
2025-02-16 18:46:47dd1mat@mastodon.social5Success!Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 7: Find out which DXpeditions are active this week #hamchallenge How many of the DXpeditions can you hear or work?Busy week with little time for radio so I might missed some opportunities. NILV73WWSWLTZ1CE S21ZNC5DX DU3/F4EBK9J2FIWKD9X2AMHC07S
2025-02-18 09:46:43DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Success!HC07S @hamchallenge

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