Date | User | Challenge | Status | Toot summary & link |
2025-02-23 15:03:32 | | 5 | Success! | HC05SOkay, this one's not great yet, but it's better than the big blank box I had first. I love the old heads on QRZ with their black and white photos of them operating boat anchor radios while looking like GI Dreamboats. Not sure what I want a modern Hams QRZ profile to be yet. Some text to start, I suppose. |
2025-02-23 15:05:32 | | 8 | Progress update... | HC08My 9-yr old and I have been working with Ham Study for their technician license. Not there yet, but they're motivated. |
2025-02-23 15:34:36 | | 1 | Success! | HC01SWith my old mastadon handle I never got this one to register. Anyway, here's a QSL card I quite like. I enjoy postcard style as they are quick functional familiar, and I kind of just have a dweeby love of postcards anyway. |
2025-02-23 20:43:11 | | 4 | Success! | HC04SAll hail KC3ZEN, first of their name! First issued to me as a technician in May of 2024, upgraded to General in July of 2024, and to Extra in February of 2025. The 3 is currently location accurate for my home state of PA. I'm awaiting the go ahead to switch to K6ZEN, the 6 of which would no longer match California, but it was the former callsign for the San Francisco Zen Center, since 2002, but they chose to let it expire in 2024 after 22 years of use. |
2025-02-23 20:45:11 | | 3 | Progress update... | on a side note regarding HC03 I had intended to get a go on this now the weather had turned around here for antenna wonkery, when my Radioddity HF-008 just up and fell apart. I really like that antenna, and at the price I'll just get a new one, but dag. |
2025-02-26 23:35:58 | | 7 | Success! | HC07SStill catching up, but loving how much there is to learn here. I found the easiest way to locate DXPeditioners was through the DX News Calendar view. interested in VP9I in Bermuda. I think I might be able to find that one. |