52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 5: Update your profile on QRZ.com, HamQTH.com, etc.

Challenge for 2025-01-27 - 2025-02-02:

Category: 🖥️ - Difficulty: 🟢

Update your profile on QRZ.com, HamQTH.com, etc.
On which sites/databases do you have a profile? Are you keeping them up to date?

Toots mentioning this challenge

DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-17 21:31:10DM4EA@social.darc.de7Success!HC05S Updated my qrz.com-page, added some updates on QRP and antennas.
2025-01-20 09:47:31DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Success!I published the log text for #HC04S on qrz.com and finished #HC05Sin @hamchallenge
2025-01-22 18:01:27grnch_kc1vop@mastodon.radio2Success!Turns out I made HamQTH and eQSL accounts a week early! This adds to my QRZ and LOTW when it comes to collecting HAM radio metadata. Thankfully I use Wavelog for my station log and that allows me to upload/download from the various databases like LOTW. I then import from LOTW to QRZ, so just a matter of a few clicks once the data is in my station log. It will also download your eQSL cards if you wish! So I'll be sending out eQSL cards for my QSOs now as well! #hamchallenge HC05S
2025-01-26 15:34:46stu@gott.social8Success!For #HC05S, I updated quite a bit of my info on qrz.com weeks ago when I realized it was wrong, but waited until this week to update my bio, which basically just lists the modes and freqs I'm able to use.Also set up an account on hamqth.com.
2025-01-26 15:57:48AF0AJ@mastodon.radio5Success!I generally keep my ham profiles up-to-date, but Week 5 reminded me that I'd not updated them to reflect the new IC-7300 my dad gave me for Christmas. So, QRZ.com and HamQTH.com both refreshed accordingly.#HC05S
2025-01-27 12:38:46dd1mat@mastodon.social5Success!For #HC05S I did some minor updates to my QRZ.com profile and integrated the QRZ.com logbook sync with my log software.I am working on my radio blog which is not yet online, but apart from these two, I don't update any further websites.#hamr #hamradio #hamchallenge
2025-01-27 18:35:24g7kse@mastodon.radio7Success!My QRZ page is pretty much up to date so no big deal in this weeks, but I have started to move a load of notes from bits of paper onto http://g7kse.co.uk .So...HC05S@hamchallenge
2025-01-28 12:44:44DL9DX@mastodon.radio8Success!Updated QRZ and https://dl9dx.radio. Did some cleanup and added the history of my callsign to my page. #hc05s
2025-01-28 19:48:09DC4LW@social.darc.de7Working on it...While working on #hamchallenge HC05 I found a link to an 11 year old website which states a "Urban Ham Radio" manifesto:https://dc4lw.de/2014/04/28/urban-ham-radio/And still, I think this describes pretty good the situation I am still in.@hamchallenge
2025-01-28 20:11:12DL6PL@social.darc.de2Working on it...My qrz.com profile is pretty much up to date, except for the "Recent POTA activations" image gallery. June 2024 is not recent at all… I could rename it into "POTA impressions", which would make it technically up to date, hi.I think I will not mark this week's challenge as success yet and update my profile with more interesting images. #hamchallenge HC05 @hamchallenge
2025-01-28 20:14:12DL2EJF@social.darc.de1Success!HC05S I did not update them this week but I keep them updated: https://log.dclnext.darc.de/index.php/visitor/DL2EJF and https://www.qrz.com/db/DL2EJF
2025-01-28 22:26:05n8dmt@mastodon.radio3Success!Updated my https://qsl.net/n8dmt website to latest information with free Publii CMS/static-website software. Unfortunately, do not have accounts/profiles on QRZ, QTH, or other sites. #hamchallenge HC05S
2025-01-29 00:19:41ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Working on it...I shouldn’t be waiting for the 5th challenge, 'Update your profile on QRZ.com, HamQTH.com, etc.' to update my radio profiles under Club Log, eQSL, HamCall, HamQTH, Mastodon Radio, POTA, QRZ, QRZCQ and SOTA. Better today than tomorrow! #hamchallenge HC05 @hamchallenge
2025-01-29 07:25:39w8emv@mastodon.radio1Working on it...#hc05s Updated my #QRZ page.https://www.qrz.com/db/W8EMVBiggest difference from the previous edit: emphasizing bicycle portable operations, de-emphasizing DMR, first mention of plans for HF.
2025-01-29 12:25:13mischk@bunt.social6Success!updated my QRZ Page. HC05S https://www.qrz.com/db/DK4MJ#hamchallenge
2025-01-29 17:43:21DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Success!Today I removed the winter beverages. Therefore I update the qrz.com pages #HC05S @hamchallenge
2025-01-30 12:53:27pg4i@mastodon.radio7Success!#hamchallenge HC05SAdded a link to my Mastodon account and portable operations blog to my QRZ page.https://www.qrz.com/db/PG4IOh and while I was at it, changed the main QRZ picture to the retro QSL card from week 1 👍🏻Easiest challenge so far! 😉
2025-01-30 21:24:41DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Success!For #hamchallenge week 5, I updated the QRZ.com profiles of DJ5CW and SO5CW. For the former, I added a link to Mastodon. For the latter, I added a link to Birdweather to show off my BirdNet node. Tomorrow I will take care of my HamQTH.com profiles, too. HC05S
2025-01-31 14:53:51ian@mastodon.radio8Success!Nothing really to do on my QRZ.com and HamQTH profiles as I last updated them in December, but I did add a POTA widget to the bottom! HC05Shttps://www.hamqth.com/M0TRT
2025-01-31 15:17:12df5go@radiosocial.de6Success!Updated my QRZ.com and HamQTH pages and added links to my SOTA, POTA and Mastodon profiles. #hamchallenge #HC05S
2025-02-01 00:12:44mike_k@mstdn.social5Success!Updated my QRZ.com page, & I'm not on HamQTH.com or elsewhere AFAIK, so, success.If I did more I'd have more to say. Better do more I guess.#hamchallenge HC05S
2025-02-01 03:20:03bgarfoot@kind.social10Success!HC05S. Finally got a couple of photos up on QRZ. Given that I'm currently on a work/ski trip and on shoddy WiFi, that'll have to do for now.Tried to update my POTA profile pic, but that kept giving me an error. I intend to create a HamQTH page when I get home.
2025-02-01 10:58:43DA1EE@social.darc.de7Success!I just updated my QRZ.com page. HC05S. It was a little bit outdated (some references still on my old license). And I updated links to this profile here. #hamchallenge
2025-02-01 19:27:59ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Success!I’ve updated my profile in multiple places: Club Log, eQSL, HamCall, HamQTH, Mastodon Radio, POTA, QRZ, QRZCQ and SOTA. I had not operated in over a year and thus there weren’t many updates to be made to my profiles. If this is a sign that I should get on the air, I don’t know what is. #hamchallenge HC05S @hamchallenge
2025-02-02 16:23:34BenDoubleU@llyxx.me2Success!#hamchallenge for this week: I updated my QRZ profile with some better pics and info about my semi-permanent QTH. Also logging to LotW #HC05S @hamchallenge
2025-02-02 17:58:07N9DRB@qth.social3Success!For #HamChallenge week 5, updated QRZ and HamQTH for my call plus QRZ for W9UWS.
2025-02-03 09:00:41DC4LW@social.darc.de7Working on it...My #hamchallenge HC05 is a bit delayed. While I updated my profile on hamqth.com, I could not login to qrz.com. Somehow my account had 2FA enabled. But the service team was pretty nice and quick and disabled 2FA for a short moment.@hamchallenge
2025-02-03 09:05:41DC4LW@social.darc.de7Working on it...On hamqth.com I could delete a club station call for which I'm no longer the maintainer. An I also deleted links to my Twitter [sic!] and Facebook profile. You can still add the Link to your Google+ profile, which is dead since 5 years. But still no way to add a link to Mastodon.HamQTH felt fresh when it was released about 12 years ago. But now it feels like an abandoned website. But still, a more clean design than QRZ.com.#hamchallenge HC05 @hamchallenge
2025-02-03 09:59:47DC4LW@social.darc.de7Success!And finally I updated the data on QRZ.com for my personal call sign and for DA0CCC which I manage. Luckily my address did not change, but I added some more recent information and the QSL-cards from the first #hamchallenge this year.To be honest, QRZ.com feels like a trip back to online forums in the late 1990s with animated, unaligned GIFs and blink-tags all over.HC05S
2025-02-03 10:12:54dc1tc@mastodon.radio5Success!#HCS05S is an easy one this week. I finally updated my QRZ page with a little more details about my setup, references to the vertical antenna I use most of the time and the mic splitter for multi-op activations, as well as some pictures from my "front-yard"-park #DE0261 Thörls Park. https://www.qrz.com/db/DC1TC
2025-02-05 02:56:19ww0cj@mastodon.hams.social1Working on it...I'm going to start getting into soon...and I've started my progress on Week 5 (going a bit out of order). However, I discovered my personal website has a bug that I need to fix. So...hopefully my "solution" to Week 5 coming soon. Debating if I keep trying to solve the 11ty bug or switch back to Hugo for a bit now that I'm more familiar with Go.#hamchallenge HC05
2025-02-08 20:12:26DJ3CE@social.darc.de4Working on it...… oh and I did some work on the QRZ/HamQTH pages of my callsign – but work in progress, I'm still missing a good profile picture… 🙃 (… more ham related than my profile picture here… 🤭 ) HC05 #hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-02-13 20:34:50ww0cj@mastodon.hams.social1Success!📝 New #blost - "Sharing my Ham Radio Journey"Today I begin #HamChallenge (@hamchallenge) and update my new Bear Blog site. #HC05S🔗: https://ww0cj.bearblog.dev/sharing-my-ham-radio-journey/#hamradio#qrz#amateurradio
2025-02-14 16:07:25siwli@toot.berlin5Success!Finally got around to uploading my favorite antenna photo to my qrz.com page (yeah, the sunset one that's also on my new QSL card) and I created a hamqth.com profile. Thus HC05S #hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-02-20 03:51:07mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info4Success!I finally updated my QRZ and HamQTH pages (same content in both places) with my newfound focus on learning and using CW. HC05S and yes I know that was a few weeks ago. I've never been very good at doing things in the proper order! ☺

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