52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for AF0AJ@mastodon.radio

All Status Updates mentioning @hamchallenge

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2025-01-02 23:15:57AF0AJ@mastodon.radio1Success!Let's get moving with #hamchallenge week one! I just created my actual QSL card a few weeks ago, and had them printed already. But rather than cheat, I designed an alternate for the challenge, just playing around a little with some Colorado-centric film photos I've taken. I'll post an image of the "real" one too (which is the black-and-white one).HC01S #hamradio @hamchallenge
2025-01-07 13:58:54AF0AJ@mastodon.radio2Success!It was interesting learning about and listening to the NCDXF beacons (totally unaware they were out there). Last evening on 20m, I could hear all the dashes for 4U1UN, W6WX, and KH6RS, as well as the first three for VE8AT.What's interesting is how little actual audible difference there was between 100W and 10W. HC02S@hamchallenge
2025-01-14 20:17:08AF0AJ@mastodon.radio3Success!Repost: Forgot to tag I'm going to jump the gun slightly on #hamchallenge Week 3, since continent-crossing is pretty tough on 80m with my set-up (I've managed Japan just once); forget 160m!This morning, I snagged an FT8 contact (only just) with NH6D in Hawaii, which is Oceania, another that doesn't happen much for me. I'm gonna count it as a win!If I cheated too much, I'll do Week 4 twice, using one of my previous callsigns. 🙄 HC03S

Summary of completed challenges

✅: Completed
🚧: In progress
⌛: Not started
January1✅  2✅  3✅  4⌛  5⌛  
February6⌛  7⌛  8⌛  9⌛  
March10⌛  11⌛  12⌛  13⌛  
April14⌛  15⌛  16⌛  17⌛  18⌛  
May19⌛  20⌛  21⌛  22⌛  
June23⌛  24⌛  25⌛  26⌛  
July27⌛  28⌛  29⌛  30⌛  
August31⌛  32⌛  33⌛  34⌛  35⌛  
September36⌛  37⌛  38⌛  39⌛  
October40⌛  41⌛  42⌛  43⌛  44⌛  
November45⌛  46⌛  47⌛  48⌛  
December49⌛  50⌛  51⌛  52⌛  

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