52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 3: Work another continent on 80m or 160m.

Challenge for 2025-01-13 - 2025-01-19:

Category: 📻 - Difficulty: 🔴

Work another continent on 80m or 160m.
No antennas? Hear another continent on those bands. You can use a WebSDR!

Toots mentioning this challenge

DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-06 07:05:51PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...In preparation for HC03 and to do better on 80m in contests i am considering to put up a G7FEK limited space antenna (https://https://www.g7fek.co.uk/news.php?page=80m_Antenna_for_small_gar_49493). Should exactly fit in te backyard. My only concern is that the feedpoint will be up 2m off the ground. Will that work? So far i made 2 QSO's to different continents on 80m ever! #hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-01-11 17:25:37NO5IG@mastodon.radio4Working on it...Ok, FedEx, let's try this again. I gotta get ready for HC03!#hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-01-12 15:46:17PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...HC03: Continent chasing, a tale.Goal: Work another continent on 80m this week. A dubious inverted L antenna is fiddled together using a crappy 7.5m fishing rod plus a too short 12 meters of wire. The ground is a copper pipe unceremoniously jammed into the damp soil. A single radial is connected just to add a touch of class. The result? Resonance lands way off at 4.1 MHz. With some base loading wizardry and prayer, I manage to drag the frequency down to 80m. #hamchallenge 1/7
2025-01-12 15:48:17PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...HamAlert is primed to squawk at the sight of any CW non-European stations on RBN, specifically those received in Zone 14. But alas, the numerous UA0 and UA9 stations, yes, that’s Asia, seem preoccupied with their own party (their contest exchange is a mystery), leaving me with my own challenge. #hamchallenge HC03 2/7
2025-01-12 15:55:18PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...Evening comes, and with it, VK stations reaching Europe. My station? Silent. Why? Because I’m watching TV. By the time I'm in the shack the band has been hijacked by Italians in full BBI contest mode.With the SWR low enough the FL2100Z producing 300W is fired up, and I manage to work a few WWA stations. But alas, they’re European, and my weekend goal remains out of reach. Even FT8, the ultimate ham fallback, only offers Europeans and disappointment. #hamchallenge HC03 3/7
2025-01-12 15:58:18PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...As the clock strikes midnight, salvation appears! K0PJ (Wisconsin) emerges from the ether during the North American QSO Party. I can barely hear Greg, but on the Maasbree WebSDR, he’s a shining beacon of RF hope.Cue a dozen calls into the void. Finally, Greg’s 4-square monstrosity plucks my signal out of the noise. It’s a QSO! Or is it? Technically, I can only hear him via the WebSDR, not on my own setup. Does that count? I leave the judgement to others. #hamchallenge HC03 4/7
2025-01-12 16:08:20PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!As the the sunrise slowly creeps westward, I begrudgingly turn to FT8, the digital savior of the lazy DXer. The morning grey line brings a faint glimmer of hope: CT3MD (Madeira) pops up. With 100 watts, I manage a -02 report. Not glamorous, but it counts. Madeira is in Africa so the mission is finally accomplished. Time for a celebration!HC03S status: Success! Sort of. #hamchallenge 6/7
2025-01-12 16:09:20PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!EpilogueThe inverted L has been torn down, the PA cooled, and the copper pipe left for future experiments. The DX gods have smiled, albeit faintly, on this ham. Now, it’s time to focus on the next challenge which luckily doesn’t involve WebSDR or BBI contesters.Until then, 73’s Paul #hamchallenge HC03S 7/7
2025-01-12 22:11:18DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Working on it...Before bedtime, a few QSOs on 160m to see how conditions are for #hamchallenge HC03 - not bad but no DX tonight for me (according to https://www.reversebeacon.net/). I will check again when I get up tomorrow! @hamchallenge
2025-01-13 01:00:37stu@gott.social8Working on it...For #HC03 I'm resorting to Web SDR because my current antenna maxes out at 40m.Looking at the ARRL band plan, I see that 3.79 to 3.8 MHz is the range for DX contacts on 80mTuned in to 3.795 LSB and found a QSO in progress between K4ISV in Kentucky and a station in Italy! Since I didn't think to write down callsigns until the other station signed off, I'm not counting success yet. But I'm on the right track at least.#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #HamChallenge
2025-01-13 10:24:55bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...Okay, attempt number 1 for Week 3. I've kinda been dreading this one, as I don't currently have an 80m (and definitely not a 160m) antenna up in the air.Strategy 1: see if my 41' EFLW will tune up well enough to make a contact via FT8. Here goes nothing.#hamchallenge HC03
2025-01-13 16:09:35kr1st@mastodon.radio2Success!HC03S I just worked F6CTT on 3796 kHz LSB for the week 3 #HAMChallenge (Edit: I added the HC03S; dunno if the bot picks up edits.)#hamradio #AmateurRadio
2025-01-13 18:06:49g7kse@mastodon.radio7Working on it...Struggling with HC03 this week. Strong winds mean antennas are down. Going to have to see if I can get on 80m or 160m some other way
2025-01-13 23:16:26DA1EE@social.darc.de7Working on it...First attempt of #hamchallenge HC03. But did not work out. Not even Asiatic Russia. Only Europe. @hamchallenge
2025-01-13 23:34:28pg4i@mastodon.radio7Working on it...#hamchallenge HC03Called CQ on 80m a couple of times. Spotted by RU9CDZ @ 6dB, R9IR @ 3dB.No replies. Maybe try tomorrow morning for some westward traffic.
2025-01-13 23:35:29pg4i@mastodon.radio7Working on it...#hamchallenge HC03Called CQ on 80m in CW a couple of times. Spotted by RU9CDZ @ 6dB, R9IR @ 3dB.No replies. Maybe try tomorrow morning for some westward traffic.
2025-01-14 06:05:10DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Working on it...@pg4i Similar for me: Last night R9IR, RU9CZD and even UA0S heard me on 80m, this morning W1NT and WZ7I from the West, but no DX QSO. I will get up early on Thursday to catch the end of the 03Z CWT, I guess. Also in next weekend's HADX there is a good chance to catch some DX on 80m... #hamchallenge HC03
2025-01-14 06:20:12pg4i@mastodon.radio7Success!#hamchallenge HC03SMade it across the pond this morning and worked N4TTU, Tom from Georgia. Made this QSO in the SKCC Straight Key Month and got a 559 report. Announcing my presence on the SKCC SKED page helped a bit 😀 RBN spots from W3DAN @ 27dB, N8DXE @ 26dB, WZ7I @ 13 dB and W1NT-6 @ 18 dB
2025-01-14 15:31:35DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Working on it...First attemp on 160m this morning for HC03 ... CQ on 160m wit 550 W and Vertical but only one spot the @hamchallenge
2025-01-14 20:17:08AF0AJ@mastodon.radio5Success!Repost: Forgot to tag I'm going to jump the gun slightly on #hamchallenge Week 3, since continent-crossing is pretty tough on 80m with my set-up (I've managed Japan just once); forget 160m!This morning, I snagged an FT8 contact (only just) with NH6D in Hawaii, which is Oceania, another that doesn't happen much for me. I'm gonna count it as a win!If I cheated too much, I'll do Week 4 twice, using one of my previous callsigns. 🙄 HC03S
2025-01-14 20:19:08DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Working on it...Barry, VK2BJ is solid 539 on 80m CW now at his sunrise but no chance to make him hear my 100W 🙂 HC03 #hamchallenge
2025-01-14 20:55:44ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Working on it...I'm starting on the 3rd challenge, 'Work another continent on 80m or 160m'. Similar to the previous week’s challenge, I might have to start with a WebSDR. #hamchallenge HC03 @hamchallenge
2025-01-14 21:19:46DK2RO@social.darc.de2Working on it...#hamchallenge HC03 will have to wait until next week. I plan to do a few QSOs in the CQWW 160 Contest with my portable setup. Let's hope we have good weather (wind 😉 ).@hamchallenge
2025-01-15 05:46:11DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Success!WWA station N1W just worked on 3518 kHz CW, big signal at my remote station SO5CW. https://www.qrz.com/db/n1w #hamchallenge HC03S (I wonder if I can still manage a DX contact on 160m...)
2025-01-15 07:58:24PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!Yesss! N1W in the log! Worked them on my first call using 100W and the 11m end-fed up 8m (designed for the WARC bands). Could have saved the hassle of last weekend, which was fun though! #hamchallenge HC03S
2025-01-15 08:19:56stu@gott.social8Success!#HamChallenge #HC03S After a decent amount of time listening via WebSDR I managed to overhear two back to back QSO'S on 3796 LSB. Calling station was DK2RL, and stations that answered the call were K2CD and N1BNC.
2025-01-15 17:55:46ian@mastodon.radio8Working on it...Listening in on 80 & 160m, sadly the antenna at home is not up to transmitting on either band and I am not up for building huge antennas in the forest in the middle of the night :)HC03The band is definitely still "local" at the moment, largely westcountry accents talking about lawnmowers!
2025-01-15 22:44:19g7kse@mastodon.radio7Success!I'm going to count this as a success. 1285 miles on 80m RW1F. Would have preferred to get a few extra but club shack was extra busy and I only got a few minutes with the rig.I'll be doing SWL'ing on 160m to complete the 2 bands. I'll have to use the club shack a bit more. The location and antennas are way better than mine.HC03S@hamchallenge
2025-01-16 07:53:55DA1EE@social.darc.de7Success!Just worked XE1YD in Mexico 🇲🇽 (Gridsquare: EK09 / distance: 9742 km) on 80m using FT8 #hamr #wavelog HC03S #hamchallenge
2025-01-16 19:18:23bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...Okay, attempt number 2 for the HC03 in progress. 80m EFHW cut - now to tromp into the snowy back woods and yeet it into a tree. Going to try to get on 80m tonight.#hamchallenge #hamradio
2025-01-16 20:16:30DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Success!I just worked VK2BJ on 80m in CW. Pwr 500 Watts, Ant Vertical/320m Beverage - good copy!HC03S - @hamchallenge
2025-01-18 10:47:57bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...Ug. So close. But as I never received a 73, per my own rules, I don't log this as a contact. The 80m HC03 continues onward...Red is where P40AA hears and replys back to me, but then immediately goes on to another station (that they were already trying), and I never get the 73 if they sent one.#hamchallenge #hamradio
2025-01-18 14:33:41bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...Behold, my attempt 3 for HC03 - the Franken-Vertical.Chameleon 25ft whip, on top of 2 Buddipole coils, using the Buddipole tripod as a base. 3 10 meter radials and window mesh for the ground.80m FT8 or bust!#hamchallenge #hamradio
2025-01-18 14:39:42bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...Ug. So close. But as I never received a 73, per my own rules, I don't log this as a contact. The 80m HC03 continues onward...Red is where P40AA hears and replys back to me, but then immediately goes on to another station (that they were already trying), and I never get the 73 if they sent one.#hamchallenge #hamradio
2025-01-18 22:27:33DC4LW@social.darc.de7Working on it...Preparations for #HC03. Quickly built an 80m Dipole for an Inverted-V antenna with DM8SB. We used 0,75mm² speaker cable, a ready made centerpiece and isolators. With a shortening factor of 3%, each side of the dipole must be 20,3m. We even created a quick calculation for the length of the guy ropes, so that the isolator is at least 2m above the ground. Who will ever need trigonometry after school? Finally, we used an empty filament role for storing the antenna.#hamchallenge
2025-01-19 03:36:06bgarfoot@kind.social10Success!HC03S Finally, the 80M band opened up enough to Europe that I was able to complete a contact on FT8 with CR6WWA.Got E7W just now for good measure.#hamchallenge #hamradio
2025-01-19 04:06:10NO5IG@mastodon.radio4Success!This week's #hamchallenge was cool. I managed to work Norway, Ireland, Greece, Brazil, Madeira Islands, England, and Spain. All FT8. I wanted to work someone on SSB, but didn't manage to after a few evenings of trying. Oh well, I'll call that a HC03S anyway. @hamchallenge
2025-01-19 13:10:36literatesavant@mastodon.au3Success!For #hamchallenge week 4 I'm supposed to research the history of my call sign.
2025-01-19 13:12:14literatesavant@mastodon.au3Success!For #hamchallenge week 4 I'm supposed to research the history of my call sign. Well, I have two. My original US call is KJ6AKQ, and I know it was a new sequential one issued to me. It's also hilariously long-winded when sent over CW, but the rhyming KJ and AK have a nice swing when spoken aloud. When I moved to Australia I was able to get the Advanced license here automatically as a result of having a US General-class license. I just had to apply and show evidence. ... HC04S
2025-01-19 15:14:43mischk@bunt.social6Working on it...after doing my "Support Your Park Weekend" duties at DE-0678, I am looking forward trying the 80m challenge tonight, together with DC4LW and DM8SB. #hamchallenge @hamchallengeHC03 #hamchallenge #pota #amateurradio
2025-01-19 16:40:53ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Working on it...Similar to the last challenge, I will have the 3rd challenge open for some time until I get my HF setup ready. I had tuned around the bands on a KiwiSDR receiver but couldn’t make out the details. #hamchallenge HC03 @hamchallenge
2025-01-19 21:04:24DC4LW@social.darc.de7Working on it...Today was the night, when we tested the newly built 80m Inverted-V antenna for @hamchallenge. Together with DK4MJ (@mischk) and DM8SB we went at the northern outskirts of Berlin to "Landschaftspark Wartenberger Feldmark" (POTA DE-0233). We found a playground with some treestumps, which we used for attaching the mast. The deployment of the antenna was pretty quick, but we had to shorten it a lot. In the end the SWR was okay for digimodes.#hamchallenge #HC03
2025-01-19 21:11:25mischk@bunt.social6Success!@DC4LW HC03S 😀📻
2025-01-19 21:19:26DC4LW@social.darc.de7Success!And yes! It worked! After some testing of the propagation we could do a QSO with 4L7T who is located in Georgia, which counts as Asia and another continent! So #HC03S 😁 Funny thing is, the antenna was oriented north east to south west. And Georgia with an Azimuth of 105° is way off.But we found out on PSKReporter that we were even heard by XV9T in Vietnam. I already like this new antenna.#hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-01-19 21:22:26DC4LW@social.darc.de7Working on it...Final notes what we should improve for the next time:- bring more lights- bring small lights or glow lights for the guy ropes, so that no one will trip over- testing of the equipmentWhat went well:- preparation of the antenna- having a second TRX as we had problems with the COM and audio interface on the first TRX- using the trolley for carrying the equipment- having fun with two fellow amateur radio operators on a cold winter night#hamchallenge #hc03s
2025-01-19 22:07:32dd1mat@mastodon.social5Working on it...Ok, #hamchallenge HC03 update. Not yet achieved so will keep this open. @hamchallenge
2025-01-19 22:28:34mike_k@mstdn.social5Working on it...Going to revisit HC03 in the southern hemisphere winter, maybe with longer radials. 80m may be out of reach for DX for me, but we’ll see.@hamchallenge#hamchallenge
2025-01-19 22:55:37df5go@radiosocial.de6Working on it...This weekend's evenings we tried to find some DX stations on 80m or 160m using a web SDR. So far no success yet.#HamChallenge #HC03 #amateurradio #hamradio #Amateurfunk
2025-01-20 07:52:19ian@mastodon.radio8Success!Finally "completed" Ham Challenge week 3 but only scraped through on the most meagre technicality: I had to not only use a WebSDR but also resorted to *WSPR* to finally receive some 80m DX.Got W1TKO @ -25dB, W3USR @ -25dB and NI5F @ -18dB around 0630z this morning using G8JNJ KiwiSDR.HC03S
2025-01-21 09:22:52oe4dsr@mastodon.social2Working on it...Since I can only push 100W on 80 and the antenna is a dipole/V type antenna I don't expect to do inter-continental in phone and I don't know any CW - shame on me. So for HC03 I plan on using FT4/FT8 but since the audio-interface to the FT1000 is down atm this has to wait. Starting with HC04 for now, although I'm pretty sure my call wasn't used before it was given to me. But we'll see. #hamchallenge
2025-01-23 23:30:58df7cb@mastodon.social5Success!I just worked 5B4AMX (Cyprus = Asia) for a new bandpoint on 160m FT8. Given my antenna is only made for 80m, that's about as DX as I can do at the moment - a proper 20m vertical with ground radials will hopefully follow in spring. HC03S 😺 #hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-01-26 21:11:46DM4EA@social.darc.de7Success!HC03S succeeded today in receiving IG9 (AF), 4L and P3 (both AS) and managed to QSO P33W as my 1st non-EU on top band in cqwwdx160cw - that was a real challenge for my 100W and short (6.5m) gp
2025-01-28 20:29:14PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...In the CQWW 160m contest last weekend, using a temporarily waaaay too short antenna and 300W I managed to work 173 QSO in 37 DXCC. All in Europe so not valid for HC03... but wait... 4L5O, isn't that Asia ? Down the rabbit hole we go... #hamchallenge 1/2
2025-01-28 20:43:16DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Success!A map of my #morsecode contacts in last weekend's CQ 160m CW #contest. Best DX was R8OM (Novosibirsk). 100W to a top loaded vertical (16m long, see https://social.darc.de/@DJ5CW/113730049445445190). By working IG9/S51V and CR3Z (Africa) and R9DX, R8OM, UN0L, 4L5O, P33W, TA3NE (Asia) I finished #hamchallenge HC03S also on 160m. On Sunday evening I heard several JA and HL stations, but no chance to get through. I slept during the times when conditions to North America were good... @hamchallenge
2025-01-28 20:55:18PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!##hamchallenge The border between Europe ( north) and Asia (south) is considered to be the river Kura. This river devides Tiblisi. The QTH of 4L5O lives at the European side of the Kura river, as far as I can tell, and only 800m away from Asia 😧. But as Fabian pointed out IG9 is Africa, so Mission Completed on 160m HC03S
2025-01-28 20:56:18PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!##hamchallenge The border between Europe ( north) and Asia (south) is considered to be the river Kura. This river devides Tiblisi. The QTH of 4L5O lives at the European side of the Kura river, as far as I can tell, and only 800m away from Asia 😧. But as Fabian pointed out IG9 is Africa, so Mission Completed on 160m HC03S 2/2
2025-01-29 06:55:36PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!##hamchallenge The border between Europe ( north) and Asia (south) is considered to be the river Kura. This river devides Tiblisi. The QTH of 4L5O is at the European side of the Kura river, as far as I can tell, and only 800m away from Asia 😧. But as Fabian pointed out IG9 is Africa, so Mission Completed on 160m HC03S 2/2

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