52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for mike_k@mstdn.social

All Status Updates mentioning @hamchallenge

DateUserChallengeStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-03 08:36:21mike_k@mstdn.social1Success!My new QSL card! Inspired by Dieter Rams' RT20 radio, but a few steps starker than that. White instead of cream, the red frequency indicator but no soft green buttons. I was trying for the minimum number of lines that still suggested a radio, while still having the info I wanted on there. Haven't done a back. The cost of postage means this would likely only ever be emailed, but you never know. I used metric A6 dimensions in case I ever afford to print & post it.
2025-01-13 00:08:31mike_k@mstdn.social2Success!Which is success. πŸ˜ƒHC02S for the bot
2025-01-19 22:28:34mike_k@mstdn.social3Progress update...Going to revisit HC03 in the southern hemisphere winter, maybe with longer radials. 80m may be out of reach for DX for me, but we’ll see.@hamchallenge#hamchallenge
2025-01-19 22:31:34mike_k@mstdn.social4Success!HC04S is easy. VK1OMG, first of that name.An advantage of living in a tiny prefix region.@hamchallenge#hamchallenge
2025-02-01 00:12:44mike_k@mstdn.social5Success!Updated my QRZ.com page, & I'm not on HamQTH.com or elsewhere AFAIK, so, success.If I did more I'd have more to say. Better do more I guess.#hamchallenge HC05S
2025-02-09 23:02:40mike_k@mstdn.social6Success!Single QSO made last night, deets submitted. Guaranteed last place in the CQ WPX RTTY Contest. πŸ˜„Fun to get RTTY working, glad competitions (& the challenge!) get people on the air. Stuff that gets people on the air is good.HC06S #hamchallenge
2025-02-16 01:31:15mike_k@mstdn.social7Progress update...A few, bleak is too strong, empty weeks for me for the challenge.Dxpeditions… look, if you enjoy it cover your ears, but rich white guys going to places they think the natives aren’t up to using the modern steam powered wireless, or to some abandoned rock in the Atlantic is all a bit 19th Century, even for me. HC07I’ve cajoled everyone I’ve ever met. Twice. If I meet someone new… HC08And 10m repeaters… nearest one’s 350km away. Hmm. Next chance is HC09.#hamchallenge @hamchallenge

Summary of completed challenges

βœ…: Completed (5)
🚧: In progress (2)
βŒ›: Not started (45)

January1βœ…  2βœ…  3🚧  4βœ…  5βœ…  
February6βœ…  7🚧  8βŒ›  9βŒ›  
March10βŒ›  11βŒ›  12βŒ›  13βŒ›  
April14βŒ›  15βŒ›  16βŒ›  17βŒ›  18βŒ›  
May19βŒ›  20βŒ›  21βŒ›  22βŒ›  
June23βŒ›  24βŒ›  25βŒ›  26βŒ›  
July27βŒ›  28βŒ›  29βŒ›  30βŒ›  
August31βŒ›  32βŒ›  33βŒ›  34βŒ›  35βŒ›  
September36βŒ›  37βŒ›  38βŒ›  39βŒ›  
October40βŒ›  41βŒ›  42βŒ›  43βŒ›  44βŒ›  
November45βŒ›  46βŒ›  47βŒ›  48βŒ›  
December49βŒ›  50βŒ›  51βŒ›  52βŒ›  

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