52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 6: Take part in a contest!

Challenge for 2025-02-03 - 2025-02-09:

Category: πŸ“» - Difficulty: 🟒

Take part in a contest!
Any type of event counts. Check out contestcalendar.com for events!

Toots mentioning this challenge

DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-14 03:18:53KD2WLL@mastodon.radio1Success! HC06S Currently running in Winterheat only 2 QSO's so far but thats two more than the last two years. Ill post again if I get any 6m or 70cm contacts.
2025-02-02 14:44:23stu@gott.social8Working on it...HC06: list of contest calendars in addition to WA7NBM's (quite comprehensive) list:https://www.dxzone.com/catalog/DX_Resources/Contest_Calendars/#HamRadio #AmateurRadio
2025-02-02 19:57:58df5go@radiosocial.de6Success!Today, I participated in the 2m segment of the Winter Fieldday / Bayerischer Bergtag from my usual VHF hill which is also valid for POTA (#DE0315).In two hours I made 15 contacts to German and Czech stations using my trusty FT-818 (6 W out) and a 4 element yagi.With today's activity I accomplished three #HamChallenge|s at once:β€’ #HC06S (Contest)β€’ #HC29S (xOTA activation)β€’ #HC38S (Morse contact)#hamradio #amateurradio #amateurfunk #contest @hamchallenge
2025-02-03 10:06:47DC4LW@social.darc.de7Success!And for #hamchallenge HC06S I think I already succeeded by participating in the CQ TU educational contest organised by DK0TU last Thursday: https://www.dk0tu.de/contests/cqtu.htmlIt lasts only one hour and on VHF/UHF only. But due to the architecture of the university campus, it is quite hard to reach all participating stations. I did only two QSOs though, as I left the frequencies open to the trainees, who had a lot of fun and learned quite quickly.@hamchallenge
2025-02-04 01:25:01W1CDN@mastodon.radio3Success!And hey! I'm going to count the Minnesota QSO Party for #hamChallenge! HC06S
2025-02-04 07:28:37DJ5CW@social.darc.de8Success!#hamchallenge week 6 ("Take part in a contest") is very easy for me. In an average week I take part in a few of the smaller contests (MWC, CWT, sometimes SST and MST) and every weekend I at least drop into one of the contests for a few contacts as well. With yesterday's quick participation in MWC, in which I worked @df7cb and @on5zo on 40/80m, CW, the challenge is fulfilled but my thirst for more QSOs is not quenched πŸ™‚ #HC06S
2025-02-04 10:35:15DL6MHW@social.darc.de8Success! week 6 ("Take part in a contest") is not very easy for me. In an average week I take part in monday contests MWC and in every "important" contest in the weekend. But now I am on vacation far away from my antennas. So I have to setup a quite heavy portable station (10 kg) and managed 33 QSOs on 40m in MWC in the QRP section so #HC06S
2025-02-04 20:20:39ei7ijb@mastodon.radio4Working on it...I will find the 6th challenge, β€˜Take part in a contest!’, quite literally challenging. #hamchallenge HC06 @hamchallenge
2025-02-04 21:13:45g7kse@mastodon.radio7Working on it...This weeks ham challenge was always going to be a challenge if I stuck to the plan. Which was a UKAC VHF contest from home. I can do it /p but home has always been hard work.I am currently listening to white noise 😁May have to default to CWT tomorrow HC06 @hamchallenge
2025-02-05 20:58:30g7kse@mastodon.radio7Success!HC06SCWT is a fast (a bit too fast for me) CW contest that I dip in and out of every now and again. 10 contacts is enough for me as it's easy pickings from the QTH.I did however add a bit in, I had some free time and created a little lookup helper for membership numbers (I struggle with numbers at 30wpm a lot). Type in callsign in CLI and it confirms the membership number. Massive cheat but no different to lookups in N1MM or other software. Still wanted to do the UKAC tho
2025-02-06 21:40:33pg4i@mastodon.radio7Success!#hamchallenge HC06SParticipated in the SKCC Straight Key Sprint Europe this evening. Horrible propagation on 40 meters, MUF for distances up to 1000 km dropped below 6 Mhz, so very weak EU signals. Could make 5 QSO's in 30 minutes, then I gave up... 😭
2025-02-07 02:37:04bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...HC06 Well, I at least attempted a contest, but I can't in any good faith call it a success. The only real contest that fit into my schedule was the NCCC FT4 Sprint. I got my rig all set up for FT4, which I had never run before. Even ensured I made a few contacts before the contest started.The results: absolute nada on 20m, 15, and 10m. Didn't hear anyone either on 40m (couldn't get antenna to tune up properly though).When is a contest not a contest?
2025-02-07 02:38:04bgarfoot@kind.social10Working on it...HC06 Well, I at least attempted a contest, but I can't in any good faith call it a success. The only real contest that fit into my schedule was the NCCC FT4 Sprint. I got my rig all set up for FT4, which I had never run before. Even ensured I made a few contacts before the contest started.The results: absolute nada on 20m, 15, and 10m. Didn't hear anyone either on 40m (couldn't get antenna to tune up properly though).When is a contest not a contest?#hamchallenge
2025-02-07 20:00:09PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Working on it...Still in need of HC06? This weekend is the 50th Dutch PACC contest feb 8 12 UTC - feb 9 12 UTC All band HF https://www.veron.nl/vereniging/commissies-en-werkgroepen/traffic-bureau/hf-contesten/pacc-rules/ I will be participating as PI4KAR doing mostly (if not only) CW. Give me a call and manage HC06 and HC30 in a single QSO! #hamchallenge
2025-02-07 20:13:11stu@gott.social8Working on it...The Friday #SST is coming up in just under an hour. I can't toss up an antenna for this one, but might try to listen in on web SDR if I can. That way I can get a feeling for if I'm over my head or not. πŸ˜† My goal is to try the Sunday SST for #HC06#HamRadio #AmateurRadio
2025-02-08 09:20:53K3LOE@mastodon.radio1Success!The #HamChallenge this week: Do a contest.As a new ham, it's hard to imagine ever taking contests that seriously. I like that more people are on the air. I dislike communication as competition.Nevertheless I had fun doing my first not-a-contest recently: Winter Field Day 2025! I did all 8 highly contrived QSOs on VHF/UHF. I (unsuccessfully) activated a POTA spot and hunted (a successful) POTA activation. #WFD2025 #US2755 #simplex #POTA #HamContests #EmComm #portable #HC06S @hamchallenge
2025-02-08 18:52:16ian@mastodon.radio8Success!It's been a cold rainy day, so I've been stuck inside and decided to fit the CQ WPX RTTY contest around the chores and cooking for this week's Ham Challenge. My first time on RTTY so sorry to everyone for all the times I messed up!HC06S
2025-02-08 20:03:24DJ3CE@social.darc.de4Success!This weekend hosts (one of) my favourite contests, the PACC (thanks @PA3DSB for the note!). It was one of the very first contests I took part in – and as dutch operators give a constant exchange it had been a very good start into contesting :). I managed to fit in a bit of participation today, after taking part in a more "local" contest. So I guess: HC06S #hamchallenge @hamchallenge
2025-02-08 23:03:45n8dmt@mastodon.radio3Success!HC06SFirst RTTY contact in many many years. Used built-in RTTY functions on the IC-705 with indoor magnetic loop antenna.~2150 UTC, WN7M 28.08537 received 599 366, sent 599 001 001Fun with #HamRadio #HamChallenge
2025-02-09 20:28:24PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!Tired but satisfied after our participation in the PACC contest at PI4KAR. Worked 1046 CW and 469 SSB QSO's together with PA3AUC, PD3W, PE1ITR and PD1EDS.Worked some nice pile-ups but it is not uncommon for all stations to call zero beat over each other making it impossible to even make out a single character (at least for me πŸ€”). Tremendous fun! Thanks all for calling! HC06S HC30S #hamchallenge
2025-02-09 20:57:27PA3DSB@mastodon.radio13Success!Tired but satisfied after our participation in the PACC contest at PI4KAR. Worked 1046 CW and 469 SSB QSO's together with PA3AUC, PD3W, PE1ITR and PD1EDS in the Multi/Single category.Worked some nice CW pile-ups but it is not uncommon for all stations to call zero beat over each other making it impossible to even make out a single character (at least for me πŸ€”). Tremendous fun! Thanks all for calling! HC06S HC30S #hamchallenge
2025-02-09 22:24:36bgarfoot@kind.social10Success!HC06S. I managed to decode some of the signals for the CQ WPX RTTY contest, which is really the only contest that fits into my schedule this week. I currently see W5JK calling CQ and making contacts with K2AL, N2LK, and now N8WCP.I have to be honest - this is my first time using RTTY and I don't feel comfortable enough with it to actually try making a contact without screwing someone else up. But between my failed FT4 contest earlier and this, I'll call it a success for now.
2025-02-09 22:51:39df7cb@mastodon.social5Success!420 RTTY QSO in this weekend's CQ-WPX contest. The last one was with 4U1ITU, the ITU headquarters in Geneva, which counts as a separate country in Ham radio terms, an ATNO for me, an All Time New One.#hamradio #hamchallenge HC06S
2025-02-09 23:02:40mike_k@mstdn.social5Success!Single QSO made last night, deets submitted. Guaranteed last place in the CQ WPX RTTY Contest. πŸ˜„Fun to get RTTY working, glad competitions (& the challenge!) get people on the air. Stuff that gets people on the air is good.HC06S #hamchallenge
2025-02-10 03:04:04stu@gott.social8Success!Putting #HC06S in the "W" column. I managed 8 QSOs on the 20m band as part of this evening's #SST.Counting the 4 #POTA hunts I managed in the hours leading up to the contest, that makes 12 QSOs in #CW. Not bad for my first day.There are technically other week's challenges I could also count for this, e.g. "try a new mode" or "have a QSO in CW", but I have other goals in mind for those weeks.#HamRadio #AmateurRadio

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