Date | User | Challenge | Status | Toot summary & link |
2025-01-01 15:32:32 | | 1 | Success! | This is perhaps a bit of a cheat for but I thought I'd use it to explain it a bit.Idea pinched from Peter Saville who designed the Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures album cover ( Which featured a recording of a pulsar. We now have 'joy plots' which can be used for maps...or QSL cards. There are lots of online tools to create these.So I have actually sent this design to be printed and I'll have to start using them. Design, print and use is ok?HC01S |
2025-01-07 13:04:47 | | 2 | Progress update... | Currently monitoring NCDXF beacons using Faros ( on mrs g7kse's computer whilst she's at work.OH2B, CS3B, 4U1UN, RR90 all clear with rubbish antenna at home.Going to try later with er novel setup 😉 @hamchallengeHC02 |
2025-01-08 15:33:28 | | 2 | Progress update... | The NCDXF beacon thing continues. Some beacons heard where I've never heard signals before at my QTH HC02 |
2025-01-11 11:13:32 | | 2 | Success! | I'm going to say that NCDXF week has been a success. Seems that I'm going to the rig at the wrong time. Lots of areas I'd not thought of as open, are actually open. Tomorrow and Sunday will be hit and miss but all in all #hamchallange has been ace so far. Next week is going to be tricky though HC02S |
2025-01-13 18:06:49 | | 3 | Progress update... | Struggling with HC03 this week. Strong winds mean antennas are down. Going to have to see if I can get on 80m or 160m some other way |
2025-01-15 22:44:19 | | 3 | Success! | I'm going to count this as a success. 1285 miles on 80m RW1F. Would have preferred to get a few extra but club shack was extra busy and I only got a few minutes with the rig.I'll be doing SWL'ing on 160m to complete the 2 bands. I'll have to use the club shack a bit more. The location and antennas are way better than mine.HC03S@hamchallenge |
2025-01-20 18:08:26 | | 4 | Success! | Ok, so here's the dullest bit of callsign research. G7KSE has only ever been mine....issued in 1992 as a class B (VHF & up only). When ham radio was even snootier.I didn't fancy CW, so no access to HF. I don't think I missed much.The only interesting thing is that there are fewer G7's than you might think, but there's some who toot....classy folk if you ask me@hamchallengeHC04S |
2025-01-27 18:35:24 | | 5 | Success! | My QRZ page is pretty much up to date so no big deal in this weeks, but I have started to move a load of notes from bits of paper onto .So...HC05S@hamchallenge |
2025-02-04 21:13:45 | | 6 | Progress update... | This weeks ham challenge was always going to be a challenge if I stuck to the plan. Which was a UKAC VHF contest from home. I can do it /p but home has always been hard work.I am currently listening to white noise 😁May have to default to CWT tomorrow HC06 @hamchallenge |
2025-02-05 20:58:30 | | 6 | Success! | HC06SCWT is a fast (a bit too fast for me) CW contest that I dip in and out of every now and again. 10 contacts is enough for me as it's easy pickings from the QTH.I did however add a bit in, I had some free time and created a little lookup helper for membership numbers (I struggle with numbers at 30wpm a lot). Type in callsign in CLI and it confirms the membership number. Massive cheat but no different to lookups in N1MM or other software. Still wanted to do the UKAC tho |
2025-02-10 22:05:22 | | 7 | Success! | HC07S used the usual sources. I don't think I've ever been successful with a proper DXpedition. This happens because of the QTH and QRP. A unified contest and DXpedition calendar would probably be helpful. Might even exist.I'll see if I can find some this week. Even its its WebSDR@hamchallenge |