52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Week 2: Monitor as many NCDXF IARU beacons in one week as possible

Challenge for 2025-01-06 - 2025-01-12:

Category: 📻 - Difficulty: 🟢

Monitor as many NCDXF IARU beacons in one week as possible
Write down when you heard which beacon on which band, and note which was the minimum power level of the transmission. See https://www.ncdxf.org/beacon/ for details!

Toots mentioning this challenge

(the table is just for testing purposes - no real data yet)
DateUserUser scoreStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-01@dj5cw@darc.de34SuccessI solved the challenge ....
2025-01-01@bozo@invalid.invalid0Working on it...I cannot figure this out!

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