52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for pg4i@mastodon.radio

All Status Updates mentioning @hamchallenge

DateUserChallengeStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-02 17:52:52pg4i@mastodon.radio1Success!#hamchallenge@hamchallengeHC01SI found a photoshop template on the website of YO6DXE a while back for a vintage QSL card. Imported this into Gimp. There is some loss in the layer information but it worked well enough once I found what fonts were used in the psd file.#morsecode
2025-01-08 13:49:17pg4i@mastodon.radio2Progress update...#hamchallenge HC02I thought it would be nice to use my 10/12m hexbeam at 6 meters high to listen to some NCDXF beacons. Have listened during mornings with the antenna pointing east and south.10 meters: 4X6TU 1W, RR9O 10W, OH2B 100W, CS3B 1W, ZS6DN 1W12 meters: RR9O 1W, VR2B 100W, 4X6TU 0.1W, ZL6B 100W, OH2B 0.1W, 5Z4B 100W, ZS6DN 10W, LU4AA 10WDid not hear the JA and VK6 beacon at all. Later this week I will be listening SW, W and NW later on the day.
2025-01-12 22:18:18pg4i@mastodon.radio2Success!#hamchallenge HC02SSecond part of the week I have been listening in Western direction.10m: CS3B 10W, LU4AA 10W, OA4B 100W, 4U1UN 10W12m: CS3B 10W, LU4AA 10W, OA4B 100W, 4U1UN 0.1W, W6WX 100WDid not hear KH6RS at all. Antenna: 2 element hexbeam at 6 meters high.
2025-01-13 23:34:28pg4i@mastodon.radio3Progress update...#hamchallenge HC03Called CQ on 80m a couple of times. Spotted by RU9CDZ @ 6dB, R9IR @ 3dB.No replies. Maybe try tomorrow morning for some westward traffic.
2025-01-13 23:35:29pg4i@mastodon.radio3Progress update...#hamchallenge HC03Called CQ on 80m in CW a couple of times. Spotted by RU9CDZ @ 6dB, R9IR @ 3dB.No replies. Maybe try tomorrow morning for some westward traffic.
2025-01-14 06:20:12pg4i@mastodon.radio3Success!#hamchallenge HC03SMade it across the pond this morning and worked N4TTU, Tom from Georgia. Made this QSO in the SKCC Straight Key Month and got a 559 report. Announcing my presence on the SKCC SKED page helped a bit πŸ˜€ RBN spots from W3DAN @ 27dB, N8DXE @ 26dB, WZ7I @ 13 dB and W1NT-6 @ 18 dB
2025-01-19 18:56:09pg4i@mastodon.radio4Success!#hamchallenge HC04SI was given the call PA3ABA in 1977 at the time they ran out of PA0 callsigns. So they started a new block with PA3AAA being the first computerized call. It was fun getting on the bands with a PA3 prefix, everyone wanted a QSO. Then after some years they decided to change their policy. PA-PH was allowed with a 2 or 3 letter suffix, callsigns were free to choose but no PA0's allowed. I got myself PA4TU, it sounded nice in CW....
2025-01-30 12:53:27pg4i@mastodon.radio5Success!#hamchallenge HC05SAdded a link to my Mastodon account and portable operations blog to my QRZ page.https://www.qrz.com/db/PG4IOh and while I was at it, changed the main QRZ picture to the retro QSL card from week 1 πŸ‘πŸ»Easiest challenge so far! πŸ˜‰
2025-02-06 21:40:33pg4i@mastodon.radio6Success!#hamchallenge HC06SParticipated in the SKCC Straight Key Sprint Europe this evening. Horrible propagation on 40 meters, MUF for distances up to 1000 km dropped below 6 Mhz, so very weak EU signals. Could make 5 QSO's in 30 minutes, then I gave up... 😭
2025-02-12 09:46:38pg4i@mastodon.radio7Progress update...Been busy building a QMX+... No power output yet but the receiver is working! As for the #hamchallenge HC07... Back in the last century when I still was a DX-er I would always read https://www.425dxn.org/Downloaded the last bulletin, number 1762. let's see if they are still up to date.
2025-02-12 13:41:03pg4i@mastodon.radio7Success!Well that was easy... Visited dxwatch.com and saw FM/F6BWJ being spotted on 10 meters. Ran down the stairs and into the garden, turned my hexbeam to the west (no rotor), back into the shack and worked him! 5nn 5nn#hamchallenge HC07S

Summary of completed challenges

βœ…: Completed (7)
🚧: In progress (0)
βŒ›: Not started (45)

January1βœ…  2βœ…  3βœ…  4βœ…  5βœ…  
February6βœ…  7βœ…  8βŒ›  9βŒ›  
March10βŒ›  11βŒ›  12βŒ›  13βŒ›  
April14βŒ›  15βŒ›  16βŒ›  17βŒ›  18βŒ›  
May19βŒ›  20βŒ›  21βŒ›  22βŒ›  
June23βŒ›  24βŒ›  25βŒ›  26βŒ›  
July27βŒ›  28βŒ›  29βŒ›  30βŒ›  
August31βŒ›  32βŒ›  33βŒ›  34βŒ›  35βŒ›  
September36βŒ›  37βŒ›  38βŒ›  39βŒ›  
October40βŒ›  41βŒ›  42βŒ›  43βŒ›  44βŒ›  
November45βŒ›  46βŒ›  47βŒ›  48βŒ›  
December49βŒ›  50βŒ›  51βŒ›  52βŒ›  

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