Date | User | User score | Status | Toot summary & link |
2025-01-28 22:54:32 | | 8 | Success! | I know it is a little bit early for HC08S , but as today a friend - which I invited to our license training class - passed his ham license, it is hopefully acceptable. ;-) But I will celebrate anyway 😁#hamchallengeBTW: Get your candidates prepared, to get your ham challenge on point. 😉 |
2025-02-07 22:49:28 | | 10 | Working on it... | HC08 did a bit of social media today to advertise for the DARC's platform that offers online trainings for all licenses offered in DL including the just recently implemented entry level (offering 10/2/0,7m-operation). will repeat that from time to time... |
2025-02-17 00:24:24 | | 12 | Working on it... | I also found out that there is a person close by, which I know from the :50ohm: project. This contact might be a good start for a new interested person in amateur radio.The challenge is not done yet. I’m pretty sure, I will have more opportunities this week to encourage someone in taking their amateur radio exam.#hamchallenge HC08 |
2025-02-17 10:30:29 | | 10 | Success! | HC08SWell, that was easy. Right underneath the announcement post on my Mastodon timeline was someone thinking about getting their license, and I gave them some encouragement to do so.There are several people that I hope to encourage IRL this week too, so I'm already calling this a success. |
2025-02-17 10:33:30 | | 12 | Working on it... | It‘s shortly after midnight in my timezone and I already made progress in #hamchallenge HC08.A fellow amateur radio operator just asked for a study course somewhere else in Germany, where he could send a friend to. So I pointed to, but there is no course in the desired region. So I sent the link to, a map with locations of fellow amateur radio operators who will help in learning for the exam.@hamchallenge |
2025-02-17 14:33:55 | | 6 | Success! | I encouraged two family members to prep for a local test session coming soon. One was initially just going for Technician, but now is studying to take General at the same time and has passed a sample test. The other is seriously considering joining the test party. 🎉HC08S |
2025-02-18 22:17:19 | | 4 | Working on it... | I feel that the 8th challenge, 'Encourage someone to take their ham radio license exam’, will carry into the coming weeks. I had been been talking to my Junior OP in getting their licence and I might have a good opportunity tomorrow to show how a license can compliment their interest in space science. #hamchallenge HC08 @hamchallenge |
2025-02-19 01:51:40 | | 1 | Working on it... | Wrote a bit about #HC08s and how you might want to approach the challenge for the week. Convincing someone to enter the hobby of ham radio is a challenge sometimes, but it's all about showing them what we're all about. #hamradio #hamchallenge |
2025-02-19 16:21:55 | | 12 | Working on it... | And #hamchallenge HC08 continues. I received an e-mail from a person I talked to two weeks ago, that he already bought an amateur radio transceiver after our last meeting and now dares to push the PTT. He is already learning with :50ohm: and asked for the next step. I pointed him to which is a description on how to take the exam in Germany. Let's see how quick he will take the exam.@hamchallenge |
2025-02-19 22:25:33 | | 8 | Working on it... | Struggling a bit with this weeks ham challenge. So going to mark it down as work in progress.Whilst I've done it in the past, I'm not claiming it for this round. I'll have to pick a different 'volunteer' for 2025.#HC08 |
2025-02-20 10:04:57 | | 7 | Working on it... | #hamchallengeDon't think I can complete HC08. I was hoping to meet Ruud in yesterday evening's club meeting. But he did not show up. Ruud is a long time shortwave listener, he even can copy Morse code, but he is very uncertain about getting his license. I was certain I would convince him. |
2025-02-20 15:06:28 | | 4 | Working on it... | As a new ham, it's clear why the hobby is mostly old white men. Even a simple lunchtime net is a potentially hostile environment. I had been thinking about that already because of this week's #HamChallenge to "Encourage someone to take their #HamRadio license exam." It's hard to encourage people to join a hobby where they'll have to endure this behavior. So #HC08 is an intentional fail for me this week. #DeathOfHamRadio |
2025-02-21 03:46:42 | | 8 | Success! | #HC08S I have a small handful of people I know who are interested in #HamRadio but not licensed yet. A coworker, a neighbor and a family member. I've talked multiple times to the neighbor and coworker recently. I'll encourage my family member more when he's ready. |
2025-02-22 13:03:27 | | 9 | Success! | A person on Mastodon asked for help with the amateur radio exam. I pointed them in the right direction and offered to help them study. I think HC08S is done. #amateurradio #amateurfunk |
2025-02-22 17:54:57 | | 11 | Success! | With another brief encouragement to my daughter to apply for her Ham Radio test, that completes 52 Week Ham Radio Challenge week 8.The full details of weeks 5-8 are now up on the blog: |
2025-02-23 15:05:32 | | 4 | Working on it... | HC08My 9-yr old and I have been working with Ham Study for their technician license. Not there yet, but they're motivated. |
2025-02-23 20:44:11 | | 12 | Success! | Yesterday I had my weekly amateur radio course in my local Hackspace. With 9 persons attending who want to upgrade to the highest class A in Germany or even do it in one go from no call sign yet. I think, I could ease some stress by teaching the knowledge for the exam.And I helped two interested persons to get a step closer becoming an amateur radio operator this week. So, once again it is a success HC08S #hamchallenge |
2025-02-23 23:59:32 | | 12 | Success! | I just remember I had a chat about amateur radio at a party last night. Luckily I could point the person to an exam course that will start in a couple of weeks at their university.It’s quite usual that I find several interested persons each week. And most of the time I can assist with the next step.#hamchallenge HC08S @hamchallenge |
2025-02-24 06:47:33 | | 4 | Success! | Welp I actually accidentally succeeded in #HC08S. Despite my stated goal of registering a protest fail to draw attention to ham’s lack of diversity. I posted a picture of W4ATC’s antenna farm at NC State on my LinkedIn page and a woman colleague said she’d always wanted to do ham and asked about taking the exam. So I pointed her to and my club’s page on the subject and told her I was happy to help! #HamRadio @hamchallenge |
2025-02-28 14:05:32 | | 6 | Success! | An addendum to the HC08S — this week, my wife passed Technician and General class exams and plans to go for Amateur Extra, and my oldest passed Technician and is planning to take General in a few months. 🎉#AmateurRadio #HamRadio |
2025-03-01 22:18:49 | | 4 | Success! | Aww, and now this from my dad, who is planning to move to the area. 🥲 #hamchallenge #HC08S |
2025-03-02 21:08:27 | | 7 | Working on it... | Oh, and one more #hamchallenge post: Some days ago, a friend texted me and asked if I could show her "that radio thing you do" when we next meet. If course! So, HC08 I guess? We'll see if she'll actually think about getting a license at some point, but since friends rarely actively ask me to learn more about amateur radio, so I'll count this as semi-successful influencing and will encourage her to learn more 😃@hamchallenge |
2025-03-02 21:10:27 | | 7 | Working on it... | Oh, and one more #hamchallenge post: Some days ago, a friend texted me and asked if I could show her "that radio thing you do" when we next meet. Of course! So, HC08 I guess? We'll see if she'll actually think about getting a license at some point, but since friends rarely actively ask me to learn more about amateur radio, so I'll count this as semi-successful influencing and will encourage her to learn more 😃@hamchallenge |
2025-03-02 22:13:34 | | 2 | Working on it... | Regarding HC08 @hamchallenge: It's a tough one, because I have high standards in this case. I motivated at least 2 persons to take the ham exam last year. One took the foundation license (class N) and upgraded to full (class A), the other one took the foundation as well and has the intermediate license now (class E).My goal is to mint another ham this year, until then I won't mark this challenge as a success. |
2025-03-09 23:32:09 | | 6 | Success! | HC08SOkay, LO is dedicated now. And after them, the YL is interested. Woot. |
2025-03-15 15:17:55 | | 5 | Success! | It took a minute to plant the idea and complete HC08S, but my brother just passed his tech and general test this morning ✅. #hamchallenge |
2025-03-21 22:39:30 | | 5 | Working on it... | Todays #POTA was once again #DE0262 Thörls Park with Trails E1 and E9 (#DE0558, #DE0622).It was actually two activations, in the morning the first outing of my new FX-4CR and then in the afternoon a trainee session with a friend using the FT 891 and mic splitter (which really helps with training).I not sure if this counts as having succeeded HC08 since they didn’t take the exam yet. @hamchallenge |