Date | User | Challenge | Status | Toot summary & link |
2025-01-05 16:34:31 | | 1 | Success! | Slow learner here. Re-reading the #HamChallenge info page, I'm supposed to add #HC01S to get credit for completing my QSL card. While I designed the front shortly before CY25 started, I designed the back and ordered cards during (and partly because of) the challenge. I'd say that's in keeping with the spirit of things. Shout out to, the Ham who's making my cards. |
2025-01-05 22:59:43 | | 43 | Progress update... | Follow up to the #3DPrinted printables #977882 single lever paddle: it works surprisingly well! Actually kind of mind blowing. Things I've learned: ... I know what my design will be for #HamChallenge HC43 |
2025-01-08 11:44:03 | | 2 | Progress update... | So far for HC02, I've only been able to use websdr to monitor for NCDXF/IARU beacons. Thanks to others for pointing out that that's an option. Haven't been able to pick anything up yet. I'll hopefully get a chance to put up a portable antenna over the weekend and give it a try locally.#HamRadio #AmateurRadio |
2025-01-12 01:15:26 | | 2 | Success! | Declaring #HC02S a success. Overall I heard eight beacons on 20m, seven on 17m, nine on 15m, six on 12m, and five on 10m.I went from being aware "beacons existed" to understanding exactly how the NCDXF system can be used to check current HF propagation conditions around the world without any internet connection (once I can copy #CW callsigns at 22 wpm that is ). That alone is well worth a checkmark in the W column.#HamRadio #AmateurRadio |
2025-01-13 01:00:37 | | 3 | Progress update... | For #HC03 I'm resorting to Web SDR because my current antenna maxes out at 40m.Looking at the ARRL band plan, I see that 3.79 to 3.8 MHz is the range for DX contacts on 80mTuned in to 3.795 LSB and found a QSO in progress between K4ISV in Kentucky and a station in Italy! Since I didn't think to write down callsigns until the other station signed off, I'm not counting success yet. But I'm on the right track at least.#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #HamChallenge |
2025-01-15 08:19:56 | | 3 | Success! | #HamChallenge #HC03S After a decent amount of time listening via WebSDR I managed to overhear two back to back QSO'S on 3796 LSB. Calling station was DK2RL, and stations that answered the call were K2CD and N1BNC. |
2025-01-18 14:53:44 | | 4 | Success! | For #HC04S, I chose to research my original callsign since it's much more challenging.The tricky part about researching KC0LKB is that it was issued back when the FCC was barely starting to digitize their license database, so online records are spotty. My call was issued in September 2001. I can't find original records of when KC0AA or KC0AAA were issued, but KB0ZZZ was issued on March 15, 2000.Both my current and original callsigns are 1-up lineals, so have no previous owner. |
2025-01-26 15:34:46 | | 5 | Success! | For #HC05S, I updated quite a bit of my info on weeks ago when I realized it was wrong, but waited until this week to update my bio, which basically just lists the modes and freqs I'm able to use.Also set up an account on |
2025-02-02 14:44:23 | | 6 | Progress update... | HC06: list of contest calendars in addition to WA7NBM's (quite comprehensive) list: #AmateurRadio |
2025-02-07 20:13:11 | | 6 | Progress update... | The Friday #SST is coming up in just under an hour. I can't toss up an antenna for this one, but might try to listen in on web SDR if I can. That way I can get a feeling for if I'm over my head or not. 😆 My goal is to try the Sunday SST for #HC06#HamRadio #AmateurRadio |
2025-02-10 03:04:04 | | 6 | Success! | Putting #HC06S in the "W" column. I managed 8 QSOs on the 20m band as part of this evening's #SST.Counting the 4 #POTA hunts I managed in the hours leading up to the contest, that makes 12 QSOs in #CW. Not bad for my first day.There are technically other week's challenges I could also count for this, e.g. "try a new mode" or "have a QSO in CW", but I have other goals in mind for those weeks.#HamRadio #AmateurRadio |
2025-02-10 21:57:21 | | 7 | Progress update... | For #HC07 I looked up some upcoming DXpeditions for the week using's calendar.D4DCX is active now.These callsigns start tomorrow: ZF2EZ, H7RRC, YN6RRC, S21ZN, VK9, and V73WW.Feb 12th: C6ADA, and TZ1CEFeb 14th: C5DXLeaving the challenge open for now to see if I can spot any of them on the air. |
2025-02-15 23:48:05 | | 7 | Success! | #HC07S I never did catch any of the DXpedition stations active this week actually on the air, but I tracked 10 of them to see when I would know they were on the air. V73WW was especially active this week. Hats off to the team for really working it. |