52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info

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DateUserChallengeStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-05 16:16:56mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info1Success!Although I am waiting for sample stock to arrive to decide which stock to use for my order, I believe I have a complete design (even if I further improve it later) so I'll count this as #HC01S completed.Like @stu I started the design this past fall, but completed it during the challenge week.
2025-01-09 00:06:40mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info2Progress update...#HC02 I tried listening around dusk while watching what beacons should be transmitting. I couldn't copy any call signs, and I mostly heard noise. I heard occasional gusts of code that might have been the following stations, or might have all been my imagination...From FM05 starting around 22:45Z:14.1 CS3B? 4U1UN-? RR90?18.11 OA4B? 4U1UN-?21.15 VE8AT-? RR90? ZS6DN?24.93 VE8AT?28.2 nothingIf any of those station IDs is wrong please blame autocarrot.Given that I couldn't actually copy any IDs I thi
2025-01-20 18:08:26mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info4Success!I find no records of my #AmateurRadio KZ4LY call sign having previously been issued. I don't see any digital records of it, and the last callbook has no KZ prefix call signs issued in any way. I know mine was regularly sequentially allocated (not as a vanity call sign); KZ4LN @stu upgraded to amateur extra and changed to an extra-only call sign about a week before I was licensed. KZ4AA was granted as a vanity sign on 15 February 2022 with no indications I find of a prior owner; KZ4AB was granted
2025-01-20 23:44:11mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info4Progress update...Anyone in the US having trouble tracking down the history of your call sign for #HC04 here are lots of details to help:https://www.w2zq.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Finding-your-ham-roots.pdf

Summary of completed challenges

✅: Completed (2)
🚧: In progress (1)
⌛: Not started (49)

January1  2🚧  3  4  5  
February6  7  8  9  
March10  11  12  13  
April14  15  16  17  18  
May19  20  21  22  
June23  24  25  26  
July27  28  29  30  
August31  32  33  34  35  
September36  37  38  39  
October40  41  42  43  44  
November45  46  47  48  
December49  50  51  52  

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