Date | User | Challenge | Status | Toot summary & link |
2025-03-09 23:26:06 | | 1 | Success! | HC01S Moving over old toots and updating this one for the new callsign. Anyway, here's a QSL card I quite like. I enjoy postcard style as they are quick functional familiar, and I kind of just have a dweeby love of postcards anyway. |
2025-03-09 23:27:07 | | 4 | Success! | HC04S K6ZEN, was the former callsign for the San Francisco Zen Center, since 2002, but they chose to let it expire in 2024 after 22 years of use. |
2025-03-09 23:29:07 | | 5 | Success! | HC05S Continuing toot migration. I like the tag sort of handle better, but it's still not in keeping with the best of the best on qrz. |
2025-03-09 23:30:07 | | 6 | Success! | HC06SI took part in Winterheat, a January-long 2m contest to test distance, etc. I did alright, with 100 points, considering how long I was down without an antenna. |
2025-03-09 23:31:07 | | 7 | Success! | migrating toots.HC07S Still catching up, but loving how much there is to learn here. I found the easiest way to locate DXPeditioners was through the DX News Calendar view. interested in VP9I in Bermuda. I think I might be able to find that one. |
2025-03-09 23:32:09 | | 8 | Success! | HC08SOkay, LO is dedicated now. And after them, the YL is interested. Woot. |
2025-03-09 23:33:09 | | 9 | Progress update... | HC09Clearly, I need to figure out what's actually involved in using a 10m repeater, because I'm missing something here. |