52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for dc1tc@mastodon.radio

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2025-01-23 00:23:10dc1tc@mastodon.radio4Success!My first callsign was the CEPT Novice License (class E) callsign DO1TC.The callsign block DO was introduced in 1998 for class 2 (VHF/UHF-only), which became class E in 2005.Historic callsign data for Germany is sparse. The references I found indicated that it belonged to Jürgen in 2007, who I found again as DB3JB with a full CEPT license (Class A) in a callbook from 2015.I owned the call DO1TC from August 2022 until March 2023. And in 2024, it already got a new owner.#HC04S
2025-01-23 00:24:10dc1tc@mastodon.radio4Success!#HC04SIn March 2023, I upgraded to the full CEPT license and picked the callsign DC1TC.The DC prefix started out as a no CW and VHF only callsign class (class C), which was introduced in 1967. In a callbook from 1981 there were no DC1 callsigns whatsoever, the first callbook I found with a reference to DC1TC was from 1992 and the callsign belonged to Horst H. It must have been issued for the first time between 1981 and 1992, likely to Horst as the first owner.
2025-01-23 00:26:11dc1tc@mastodon.radio4Success!#HC04SIn 1998, class C became class 2, which got access to shortwave bands in 2003 and was then merged into the „new“ full class A in 2005.In a callbook from July 2016, Horst was still listed as the owner of the callsign, which means he owned it at least 1992 to 2016. I found an obituary with matching name and region online dated October 2016. It’s very likely that Horst kept the callsign until becoming Silent Key.
2025-01-23 00:27:11dc1tc@mastodon.radio4Success!#HC04SI found no indication of somebody owning DC1TC between Horst and me, so it’s very likely that I’m the second owner of that call.And to answer part 3 of the challenge: These days there is no indication of geographical location for German callsigns anymore.
Sources I used:https://www.dl4no.de/thema/rufzeich.htmhttps://www.darc.de/einsteiger/amateurfunkausbildung/#c152704https://archive.org/details/dlarchttp://qrzcq.me/do5ssb/BNetzA/Calls/
2025-02-03 10:12:54dc1tc@mastodon.radio5Success!#HCS05S is an easy one this week. I finally updated my QRZ page with a little more details about my setup, references to the vertical antenna I use most of the time and the mic splitter for multi-op activations, as well as some pictures from my "front-yard"-park #DE0261 Thörls Park. https://www.qrz.com/db/DC1TC

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