52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for K3LOE@mastodon.radio

All Status Updates mentioning @hamchallenge

DateUserChallengeStatusToot summary & link
2025-02-08 09:20:53K3LOE@mastodon.radio6Success!The #HamChallenge this week: Do a contest.As a new ham, it's hard to imagine ever taking contests that seriously. I like that more people are on the air. I dislike communication as competition.Nevertheless I had fun doing my first not-a-contest recently: Winter Field Day 2025! I did all 8 highly contrived QSOs on VHF/UHF. I (unsuccessfully) activated a POTA spot and hunted (a successful) POTA activation. #WFD2025 #US2755 #simplex #POTA #HamContests #EmComm #portable #HC06S @hamchallenge
2025-02-20 15:06:28K3LOE@mastodon.radio8Progress update...As a new ham, it's clear why the hobby is mostly old white men. Even a simple lunchtime net is a potentially hostile environment. I had been thinking about that already because of this week's #HamChallenge to "Encourage someone to take their #HamRadio license exam." It's hard to encourage people to join a hobby where they'll have to endure this behavior. So #HC08 is an intentional fail for me this week. #DeathOfHamRadio
2025-02-22 14:12:34K3LOE@mastodon.radio8Progress update...Welp I actually accidentally succeeded in #HC08s. Despite my stated goal of registering a protest fail to draw attention to ham’s lack of diversity. I posted a picture of W4ATC’s antenna farm at NC State on my LinkedIn page and a woman colleague said she’d always wanted to do ham and asked about taking the exam. So I pointed her to hamstudy.org and my club’s page on the subject and told her I was happy to help with any questions! #HamChallenge #HamRadio @hamchallenge
2025-02-22 14:14:34K3LOE@mastodon.radio8Progress update...Welp I actually accidentally succeeded in #HC08s. Despite my stated goal of registering a protest fail to draw attention to ham’s lack of diversity. I posted a picture of W4ATC’s antenna farm at NC State on my LinkedIn page and a woman colleague said she’d always wanted to do ham and asked about taking the exam. So I pointed her to hamstudy.org and my club’s page on the subject and told her I was happy to help! https://www.rars.org/HowToBecomeAHam.php#HamChallenge #HamRadio @hamchallenge

Summary of completed challenges

✅: Completed (1)
🚧: In progress (1)
⌛: Not started (50)

January1  2  3  4  5  
February6  7  8🚧  9  
March10  11  12  13  
April14  15  16  17  18  
May19  20  21  22  
June23  24  25  26  
July27  28  29  30  
August31  32  33  34  35  
September36  37  38  39  
October40  41  42  43  44  
November45  46  47  48  
December49  50  51  52  

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