52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for mischk@bunt.social

All Status Updates mentioning @hamchallenge

DateUserChallengeStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-01 11:16:49mischk@bunt.social1Success!For my TOTA Contacts I designed a custom QSL Card. So I also finished week 1 of #hamchallenge. HC01SIf you had a contact with me and didnt receive the QSL Card via e-mail, I was not able to find your e-mail. Just drop me a line if you like to get it.#amateurfunk #amateurradio #38c3
2025-01-08 09:28:42mischk@bunt.social2Progress update...Today I stretched a wire across the yard and listened to see if I could receive the NCDXF IARU beacons. With this improvised antenna in the middle of Berlin I had a noise level of S7 on 20m, unfortunately I could not receive the beacons. In the last few days I have listened a few times via WebSDR. As I only heard OH and 4X on the Berlin KiwiSDRs, I put this down to the propagation conditions. I will continue to observe this...#hamchallenge HC02
2025-01-10 18:12:52mischk@bunt.social2Success!Yesterday I was able to listen to OH2B amd CS3B with my improvised antenna (just a random wire, loosely stretched across the backyard in the middle of Berlin). I had a very weak signal and only read at 100W. 14100kHz, 10.25Z. I was not able to catch the signal on the other bands, but I consider the callenge solved HC02S #hamchallenge #amateurradio #hamradio
2025-01-19 15:14:43mischk@bunt.social3Progress update...after doing my "Support Your Park Weekend" duties at DE-0678, I am looking forward trying the 80m challenge tonight, together with DC4LW and DM8SB. #hamchallenge @hamchallengeHC03 #hamchallenge #pota #amateurradio
2025-01-19 21:11:25mischk@bunt.social3Success!@DC4LW HC03S 😀📻
2025-01-22 07:47:23mischk@bunt.social4Progress update...@df5go thank you for the link to the vintage call books. I was able to find my call in a book from 1995. HC04
2025-01-22 12:00:48mischk@bunt.social4Success!Unfortunally no more informations on the net. (2/2) HC04S
2025-01-29 12:25:13mischk@bunt.social5Success!updated my QRZ Page. HC05S https://www.qrz.com/db/DK4MJ#hamchallenge
2025-02-12 16:03:18mischk@bunt.social7Success!HC07SI wrote a little blog article about dxpeditions. The active dxpeditions this week are listed in the DXMB Newsletter of the DARC DX-Referat.Yesterday I spotted D44OA from Leeward Island via WebSDR in FT8. Lets see what else I can hear...https://dk4mj.radio/hamchallenge_dxpedition.html (german language)#amateurradio #amateurfunk #hamchallenge #dxpedition

Summary of completed challenges

✅: Completed (6)
🚧: In progress (0)
⌛: Not started (46)

January1✅  2✅  3✅  4✅  5✅  
February6⌛  7✅  8⌛  9⌛  
March10⌛  11⌛  12⌛  13⌛  
April14⌛  15⌛  16⌛  17⌛  18⌛  
May19⌛  20⌛  21⌛  22⌛  
June23⌛  24⌛  25⌛  26⌛  
July27⌛  28⌛  29⌛  30⌛  
August31⌛  32⌛  33⌛  34⌛  35⌛  
September36⌛  37⌛  38⌛  39⌛  
October40⌛  41⌛  42⌛  43⌛  44⌛  
November45⌛  46⌛  47⌛  48⌛  
December49⌛  50⌛  51⌛  52⌛  

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