52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for DK2RO@social.darc.de

All Status Updates mentioning @hamchallenge

DateUserChallengeStatusToot summary & link
2025-01-03 20:05:07DK2RO@social.darc.de1Success!My take on the first hamchallenge this year. Thanks to Fabian @DJ5CW for creating this great project and everyone who contributed.As I visited the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg (38C3), I had the opportunity take part in the TOTA activities (Toliets on the Air).For the QSOs I did during the Congress, I created this QSL card design. HC01S #hamchallenge
2025-01-08 17:43:58DK2RO@social.darc.de2Progress update...Yesterday between 1600z to 1630z I could hear KH6RS for the first time. Let's see if I can pick it up also today. The days before there was probably just too much geomagnetic activity for the the polar path to let any signals through. Also VE8AT and W6WX had auroral flutter all the time. According to the geomagnetic predictions, conditions should be quieter in the coming days. @hamchallenge #hamchallenge HC02
2025-01-11 09:24:46DK2RO@social.darc.de2Success!Over the last week I was listening for signals from the NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Project. I don't have any HF antennas at home, so I remotely used the super station of a friendly ham in Croatia. Still it was harder than expected to receive all active beacons. #hamchallenge #HC02S
2025-01-14 21:19:46DK2RO@social.darc.de3Progress update...#hamchallenge HC03 will have to wait until next week. I plan to do a few QSOs in the CQWW 160 Contest with my portable setup. Let's hope we have good weather (wind 😉 ).@hamchallenge

Summary of completed challenges

✅: Completed
🚧: In progress
⌛: Not started
January1✅  2✅  3🚧  4⌛  5⌛  
February6⌛  7⌛  8⌛  9⌛  
March10⌛  11⌛  12⌛  13⌛  
April14⌛  15⌛  16⌛  17⌛  18⌛  
May19⌛  20⌛  21⌛  22⌛  
June23⌛  24⌛  25⌛  26⌛  
July27⌛  28⌛  29⌛  30⌛  
August31⌛  32⌛  33⌛  34⌛  35⌛  
September36⌛  37⌛  38⌛  39⌛  
October40⌛  41⌛  42⌛  43⌛  44⌛  
November45⌛  46⌛  47⌛  48⌛  
December49⌛  50⌛  51⌛  52⌛  

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