52 Week Ham Radio Challenge 2025 - Status for W1CDN@mastodon.radio

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2025-01-20 22:22:02W1CDN@mastodon.radio4Success!I guess this one is pretty easy for me, although I don't have recent history to share. HC04S #hamRadioW1CDN was my great-grandfather Thor Hannon's callsign from 1931 to 1936. I got it as a vanity once I upgraded to Extra.Thor may have given up radio after that, because in 1938 he and Alfred B. Nelson founded Superior Electric in Bristol CT. Folks may recognize some of these products: https://www.wimb.net/index.php?s=slosyn&page=0&info=1He was also first president of the Bristol Radio Club founde
2025-01-20 22:23:02W1CDN@mastodon.radio4Success!This one is pretty easy for me, but I don't have recent history to share. #hamChallenge HC04S #hamRadioW1CDN was my great-grandfather Thor Hannon's callsign from 1931 to 1936. I got it as a vanity once I upgraded to Extra.Thor may have given up radio after that, because in 1938 he and Alfred B. Nelson founded Superior Electric in Bristol CT. Folks may recognize some of these products: https://www.wimb.net/index.php?s=slosyn&page=0&info=1He was also first president of the Bristol Radio Club found
2025-02-04 01:25:01W1CDN@mastodon.radio6Success!And hey! I'm going to count the Minnesota QSO Party for #hamChallenge! HC06S

Summary of completed challenges

✅: Completed (2)
🚧: In progress (0)
⌛: Not started (50)

January1  2  3  4  5  
February6  7  8  9  
March10  11  12  13  
April14  15  16  17  18  
May19  20  21  22  
June23  24  25  26  
July27  28  29  30  
August31  32  33  34  35  
September36  37  38  39  
October40  41  42  43  44  
November45  46  47  48  
December49  50  51  52  

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